Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesday Talk

Sorry I missed Monday! I had great intentions of posting, but did not have a chance. We went on vacation last week to Hilton Head and it was WONDERFUL! We had such a great time! Of course, when you get home; the to-do list hits you in the face and you can get behind before you even get started!

We had a fun week of family time. Monday we did not really do much of anything. I think we were SO TIRED, all we could do was hang out and I got TONS of reading done. Of course, Jason (my husband) just had to do something so he took the kids for a long bike ride. I can't believe he did it considering he had to pull 100 pounds! We spent a lot of time on bikes and outside. We barely drove our car the entire time because everything we really needed was within bike distance.

We were able to get 2 homeschool days out of it, which was great! We did not focus on any actual school work, but we really had 2 days of complete nature walks and were able to identify some cool things. I learned alot myself!
It was so refreshing to just pull away and spend time with my family and have plenty of time in God's Word with nothing else really expected of me. Hopefully, I can get back on track and post from my CTB tomorrow!

Here's a picture of my children I took on the beach. It was pretty cool outside, but we went to walk and take pictures of the kids one evening. I have lots of great ones!

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